Shul Announcement:

To pay membership for the year תשפ"ה, and to apply for seats for Yamim Noraim, please use this link below.

The ladies' section is now full. As of 12:50pm on 19th Sep, all applications received from now will be allocated ladies' seats in the side room.

Shabbat in: Shabbat out:

The address of the shul where we daven shacharit is 4 Rechov HaShayarot (sandwiched in between Rechov HaLamed Heh and Rechov HaPalmach).

Our tfillot start at 9:45 a.m. in the summer and 9:30 a.m. in the winter. Get there early or you won't get a seat!

Our congregation is predominately Anglo, but as well as Britain, Australia, North America, South Africa and Canada, we also have representatives from Uruguay, Brazil, Scandinavia, Holland, France, Denmark, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Peru and of course Israel. (I've probably left out a few nationalities - my apologies).

Membership is voluntary but it will entitle you to discounts at our events. Membership is for the Jewish Calendar year and is NIS 150 for singles and NIS 250 for familes and goes to help cover costs of running the shul.